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♥ lxning@blogspot.com ♥
Monday, September 05, 2011

♥ dearest memories

It's seem juz like ytd when both grandma & grandpa were attending my 21st bday celebration. Healthy & strong.

5 years later, both of them are gone.

My heart still tears when I think of grandpa who left us last year.

I dunno how long I need to accept that grandma is now not around anymore too.

Grandma got me a gold bracelet for me as my wedding gift.

Now there is no chance to receive it personally from herself.

I miss both of them.

Tears juz can't stop.
Thursday, July 28, 2011

♥ Back from HK... counting down to the next HK visit...

Back from HK le... short trip but still enjoy the little break from work....
Manage to satisfy my food cravings too! Roast goose, curry fishball, dim sum, MacDonald (Yes, I like HK mac), porridge ...
Didn't really have alot of shopping time this time, cos was only had about 2 days in HK...

But still.... we went with 1 luggage, came back with 4.... And alot of handcarry luggage...

Came back with a mini luggage in hot pink!!! Luv it. And also luv the things i kept in it.... Yep, all my gold jewellery, diamond jewellery, diamond watch which are all wedding prezzie from my in-laws and also tiffany & co bracelet & card holder from dear for our anniversary... Thankful to all these gifts but also stress to accept... they are like worth at least a year of my salary...

And so, back to work... alot of stuffs to rush, time running out, new stuffs add on the stress & load... been OT-ing 4 days in a row... Hopefully tml i no need OT... TGIF...

Busy with work, thus thankful to both our mothers to settle some wedding shopping for us... So time really pass so fast.... its only about 2 months away... In 2 months, i'll have a new family, new home, new obligations & of course, bliss & happiness... Clover, my home form Oct onwards, is also ready le... If work permit, hope to go with dear & family to collect the key for our new home this sat...

Recently, the family have been busy shopping for the furnitures & stuffs for the new place.... And i so realize that having a home is very expensive... look at those price tags!... or probably it's juz the very expensive taste of my future fil. Oh well... not that i'm complaining. i gets to enjoy this luxury too anyway...

Reminder to self: Get the bridal party dresses settled already!

Right, time to sleep.... running late recently in the morning cos can't get myself out of the bed.... when will ever get enough sleep?

Logging off.... nights....

Oh ya, dear got me 2 supp cards... am i a step nearer to my successful application to enter the tai-tai-hood?

Drifted off in dreamsss....
Saturday, July 16, 2011

♥ 2nd trip to HK in 2011

Yep, flying to HK again...

Cos air tix is cheap, only abt $350/pax with Cathay...
Cos its our 4th anniversary...
Cos miss HK food & shopping...
Cos gonna get stuffs & jewellery for wedding...
Cos I need a break...

Alright, boarding soon...
Update again when I'm back...

Taking off...

Edited: Lucky, both us of us got free upgrade to biz class seats!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

♥ Gosh, first post in 2011..

Yep, it is as what you see for the title, the very first post of year 2011...

Can't even remember where i left off previously... last year December.. probably i blogging about Xmas?

Anyway... jus start with watever i can think of den....

Happy 1st anni to me. Yep, survived thru 1 year of working in my current job. Still the same job, didn't change. No plan to change in the near future as well. However, still quite tiring & stressful in this job thou I do enjoy it to some extent. So having a break here and there really helps to keep me going in this job... Another impl tml... oh well... *stress*

Nothing much so far... Juz hope grandma's health will get better, she's staying over at my place recently... Soon to part of another family as well... The Fan family. That's after October thou. No idea wat's it gonna be like, so maybe there won't be any difference. But mom been nagging (ok, is explaining) that how i should get along with my new family... this and that... Complicated. And my soon to be family also have a new member in April -- Baby Ryan. He's really cute & have really big eyes & super long & curly eye lashes. Haha. Both a little devil & angel at times.

So far everything seems ok to me... maybe not to dear, gee, cos he's doing almost all the wedding planning, so he might have a better idea of what is the current status of our wedding preparation. Anyway, really glad he willing to take up all the planning & coordinating with all the external parties, cos I'm busy, lazy and dun like calls/emails/pple mgt after stressful day at work. Guess the most thing i did recently concerning the wedding was to post up some wedding pictures on fb. How's the pictures? Made an appt for kua viewing/fitting this weekend as well... Din really plan to wear kua initially, but by request of future in-laws, so...

Are you all doing fine? Ever since started work, meetup with friends is really getting less & each meetup is really precious, as its like one in N times, that everyone is able to make it. Had a nice dinner recently with my gals for dinner, and they reminded me that I have a bridal party to plan for. I can't possibly ask dear to handle my bridal party as well right? Oh well... Anyway, those involved should already know by now... so do help out by reminding me what I need to do for the bridal party yeah? Having dinner with my close pals (which makes up half of the bridal party) this weekend too.. finally got to meet up, cos the previous time i had work to rush + on work duty.

Other that my hk/japan trip during CNY, have been good and stayed in SG. Glad manage to go Japan before the earthquake event. Will be going HK again in July for a weekend to spend our 4th anni + do some wedding shopping. Celebrated our 1st anni back in 2007 in HK, so we decide to do so again for our 4th. This really brings back memories for these 4 years and very soon we stepping into another stage with another new anni to look forward to - our wedding anniversary. Also wanted to take this chance during this trip to get some stuffs for wedding, althou i have nothing in mind currently.

Nothing much of a change that i can think of... Probably the actual change I can feel will comes after Oct. We'll see ya...
Oh ya... gotten a new love recently, my MacBook Air. Love the light weight, clear screen, trackpad and the super fast on/off ...
Haha... Still getting used to the Mac OS after being a Window user for zillon years...

Anything I miss out that you might be interested in?

Don't ask when is my next post, I've haf no idea myself too.

That's all on my random thoughts. =D

Signing off from my MacBook Air... (",)
Saturday, December 04, 2010

♥ New start...

Right, been MIA-ing for quite a while...

Ended the last post before starting my very first job @ PSA... Now is already into the my 5th month, reaching my 6th month of work next week. Time flies ya, that's already half a year, and ending of my probation period.

Work been pretty hectic, especially when I have implementations on several consecutive weeks... Learning business domain, business flows, doing change requests, handling changing requirements, testings, doing documentations and many more...

It does has its interesting parts, besides all the endless pile of work, and i still do enjoy my work.. except all the late nights OT-ing, pressure on time running out, stress when system having problems, application having errors, even more stress when there's issues during the implementation.

It's already last month of 2010, everyone's already in holiday mood... me too.. but still have 2 more implementations to go... Everyone else is going overseas and clearing their leave.... as for me, no overseas plans this year, and no leave that i need to clear. But at least will be going on a Spa trip to Batam on the 1st day of 2011. Nice way to start, hur.

This year been a year of changes... change from student to working adult, change of losing my beloved granddad, change from being single to engaged. Ups and downs, but I've been through it. Though some changes I've not yet prepare for it, but what will come, will come. Sooner or Later. So maybe I should stop dwelling on it and accept it as it is, and make the best of it.

Had a nice century quarter birthday full of surprises, and the biggest surprise (shock) of all is of course, the proposal. Happy but stress. Excited but Not prepared. Things are moving so quickly, that I feeling more stress. Choosing the dates, looking for banquet venues, loads and loads of things I can't bring myself to actually sit down to plan and prepare, but it's ok, the groom and family have already kickstart it. So many things that I find it a chore, with my very busy work period now, especially during this appraisal period.

Well, no worries, dear prepared to take up all the planning and preparations for the wedding. Usually is the bride that's excited to do all the wedding planning and preparations, but its opposite for us. Sorry, I'm just being very lazy. Besides, I also dunno what are the things that need to be done, and I'm lazy to even find out. I'm just too dependent on the groom le.


Xmas is round the corner.
It's time to meet and catch up with friends.
It's time to go for Xmas shopping.
It's time to indulge in food and celebrations.

Let's have a good end to 2010.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

♥ Another stage of life....

Cleared my final semester in NUS... pretty satisfied with my results this time.. (esp after S/U-ing my UE and SS modules. Congrats to myself and my SOC pals. We all make it thru. See all of u all during our convocation!

Yep, convocation is scheduled to be on the 7th July, 8pm. That will officially marked my completion of my NUS life.

Anyway, moving on from school days are my working days.... Gonna sign my appointment letter and start work soon. No longer an SOC student @ NUS, but a system analyst @ PSA Corporation. Hoping for the very best to myself and to others in their new jobs, job hunting or further studies.

Been quite down previously cos my grandpa had left us. But i believed it must be him who bless me for my results and health (had eye infection, but it's only a very minor case). Thou with 不舍, but at least he ended his sufferings. It quite heartache to see grandma, mom and cousins sobbing, but I'm sure grandpa noes we all loves him.

So gonna slack and rest as much as possible before starting work. Catch up with friends and spend time with dear as much as possible also.

Looking forward to my new job, convocation and any holidays plans ahead...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

♥ Last lap....

It's been centuries since i last updated this neglected blog of mine...

Well, lazy and busy...

This semester have been very busy.... as compared to my slack exchange days...

School load is even more heavier this sem cos of the level 4k modules which most modules required us working with companies... so have to even manage these corporate clients on top of our academic schedule and work....

What make it worse was having really disgusting and uncooperative project mates...

Well, managed to survive it through.... all these submissions and presentations...

Did our last presentation at client's company on tues... everything went pretty well... glad about that... cos we really spend days and nights on this project...
So went for a nice lunch and KTV session with my grpmates after the presentation.

Glad to have this grp of mine... which is also my CS3214 grpmates... althou there we are not the best but i enjoy the teamwork and the bond we had.

Now its all over... and it's the exams period...

Having 4 papers this time, but already feel the stress... Not only becos I have a cap to pull, but also my job hunting after graduation.

Already went for couple of interviews... already got job offer...
But still in dilemma of accepting or continue my hunt.... No job also sianz, got offer also sianz... ironic huh.

Time really flies... it's been almost 4 months since I'm back.... and now I'm graduating soon... Not a student anymore... cannot act young anymore... Lol.

Alright... enough of blabbering... got to go back to my study.... still got another informal interview tml...

Take care everyone... Jia you to all muggers...
